In the wake of Riddler's flood, the downtown of the city emptied out of its people. Those who did not leave were dead or dying. Gradually, however, the southern end of Gotham began to repopulate, though not by the general public. The previously wretched and lowermost members of the city's peoples took up residence amongst the abandoned causeways and unnatural canals. Gangs made their homes in partially flooded buildings, thieving what they could as means for transportation to store in the lower floors, now lakes and inlets of seawater.Not unlike her more natural ilk, Phoenix, too, found herself some excuse for a nest. The garage is situated at the north end of the island, near Robinson Park. It's proximity to the bridge and the middle island means it was only partly submerged in the flooding that occurred. Though very well hidden amongst the wreckage and labyrinthine roads, what's left of downtown, Phoenix's garage is both accessible by land and by sea. The uninviting former entrance has yet to be swallowed by the sea, but it boasts a large warehouse and basement level that acts as the perfect slipway into downtowns dank canals.Nix is known to work on all of her vehicles here: her car on the u-nsubmerged "ground level," and her stolen Coast Guard cutter and jet-ski below in the basement and make-shift slipway. She's known to keenly personalize any vehicle she has, so keep an eye out downtown for a former cutter-cum-stealth-vessel— if you think purple colouring and a minigun propped at the aft-end is in any way stealthy.THREAT: LOW ∙∙∙∙∙SURVEILLANCE: MODERATE

OLD CITY HALL, also known as “Wayne Hall” is the former chief administrative building. Prior to the Joker riots and the flood, it was the main workplace for members of the Gotham City Council including former Mayor Mitchell (d.2022). Wayne Hall contained a theater that was once considered a spectacle for the masses, but is now underwater.Our Talons can be housed in the roof, and some remain there despite the state of downtown. Their location in City Hall allows us full access to even the now more desolate and forgotten parts of Gotham. Their residence is becoming increasingly more paramount at the flooded island gradually becomes further inhabited.THREAT: MODERATE ∙∙∙∙∙SURVEILLANCE: MODERATE

THE GOTHAM CITY FERRY COMPANY has existed in some form or another since the early 1800's. A private ferrying company was first established by one Bartholomew Wycliffe, with one short trip west across the water maintained. In the early 1900's, it was converted as a public utility as its popularity and use grew. A number of grisly incidents soon caused workers to strike, and this brought to light just how corrupt the management was, cutting corners on safety and inspections of as to what was coming in and going out of the city.After this chaos, GCFC was run into the ground, but a sizable donation from Thomas Wayne later aided in boosting safety standards and supposedly the inspection of all in-goings and out-goings. Given the estimated amount of illegal goods still being brought into Gotham, however, it appears the latter was never truly addressed.To this day nefarious dealings continue to take place. Most recent and notable, Skizm was famous for entertaining traveling degenerates and arms and drug dealers. Still, the ferry dock continues to be a useful tool for all who may require it, even if its slipways have tripled in length due to flooding, and its infrastructure is derelict.THREAT: MODERATE ∙∙∙∙∙SURVEILLANCE: MODERATE

CHINATOWN is in the process of adapting to the flood. The once-aloof and congested district has begun building floating docks and converting drowned buildings into a hive to attract both tourists and resume businesses that must funnel back to us. Gate Street’s paifang has not been recovered from the sea, however, a new archway is being constructed for boats to travel under.The Gunsmith in Chong's Tea House is still active and soldering custom handguns. While we are sympathetic to their misfortune, The Lucky Hand Triad is behind on dues. Heroin demand has not reduced nor does supply appear to be lacking. See Ekin Tzu.THREAT: MODERATE ∙∙∙∙∙SURVEILLANCE: HIGH

GOTHAM NATIONAL BANK was headquartered in the financial sector, which is now underwater. Satellite branches are set up throughout the remainder of the city. Operations have been railroaded into these smaller satellite locations until a permanent secure headquarters can be designated. Wire transfers must solely take place with Court-authorized personnel.Sophie Dumond, former paramour of Court member Arthur Wayne, was an employee at headquarters. She has since been transferred to the branch in Gotham Square. Evelyn Rose Wayne’s private account was illegally created by Dumond before her documentation was forged. We continue to surveil Dumond should she and Arthur Wayne rekindle.THREAT: LOW ∙∙∙∙∙SURVEILLANCE: HIGH

NCB STUDIOS was the hub for three of Gotham’s central television shows: Good Morning Gotham, Live! with Murray Franklin, and Nightly News with Jeff Stewart. The National Center for Broadcasting shuttered down the studio following Court member Arthur Wayne’s live assassination of television personality and Court contributor, Murray Franklin. The flood of 2022 washed this studio away.Nightly News with Jeff Stewart and Good Morning Gotham are currently being taped at Wayne Tower, placing broadcast television closer to the hand of our parliament. A new home is being built for these shows in Gotham Square, courtesy of the Martha Wayne Foundation.THREAT: LOW ∙∙∙∙∙SURVEILLANCE: MODERATE

Previously, as seen above, an oasis in Gotham, The Village was considered a quiet neighborhood with a rather low crime rate before the flood of 2022 swept it away. Notable locations include the Sacred Martyr Church, which was set ablaze in 2006 by a group of derelicts squatting in the empty church. Webb’s Market, which has also been washed away, was home to occult forensic pathologist, Gustav Farmer. His work on regenerative cell tissue has been of great interest to the Court in our pursuit of immortality. The former scientist’s whereabouts are currently unknown, though he is presumed alive.THREAT: NONE ∙∙∙∙∙SURVEILLANCE: LOW


Named after the Powers Brothers banking family, the Powers Club occupies the mansion and former midtown seafront residence of Gloria Powers. The Powers estate was built in 1864 and has since seen many renovations, with some of our own — like the addition of an aviary. Following Gloria's death in 1973, the house would have been left abandoned for years had we not taken it entirely into our care. It has now been transformed into a private-members club which strictly caters to Gotham's most elite and is protected by our own private security firm.Though it appears a mere gothic city mansion designed for the club as seen on street level, the Powers Club actually delves far down into the very depths of the city. The central lobby is akin to a courtyard, with a great white tree in the center— this is the true entrance to the true club. Only a chosen few may know of the underground Court hub, nests, and lair of our leader The Voice. Even further beneath the city are the endless winding tunnels of our labyrinth. Dead ends and circular passageways lead the unwitting victims of the labyrinth on a wild chase for their freedom, of which they're likely to never find. Gassing the air in that maze further disorients those poor souls lost below their city. Many die miles from home while just beneath it, entombed forever more. Given our long life in this city, it is effectively a mass grave. Gotham's citizens have no idea they walk above mass catacombs.For a chosen few, the maze deep underground acts as merely a test, and the Powers Club above the prize for their survival. Most recently having passed this test, are new Court members Arthur and Phoenix Wayne.THREAT: NONE ∙∙∙∙∙SURVEILLANCE: HIGH

This is the central precinct for Gotham City Police Departement. It houses the detective division —and so our old friend, Grant Degraves— , central patrol, and allows pre-trial holding for the Gotham City Courthouse. The Bat-Signal sits atop its roof.While the front façade of the building appears to be somewhat modest and historic, the precinct actually sprawls far into the neighbouring buildings and further extensions behind. The hub in midtown is never not alive with activity, given the city that it supposedly cares for. Much of said activity in and out of GCPD HQ, however, is corrupt and twisted. With so many officers turning to the many different factions of deviants throughout the city for a good time, few "good guys" remain, though one Lieutenant James W. Gordon seems set on changing everyone's ways.His growing alliance with the Batman and his keen need to put his nose where it doesn't belong have always been grounds for our surveillance — subsequently Chief Inspector Degraves' attachment to his daughter and her husband are also to be kept a close eye on. Though a former ally of the Court, Degraves' loyalty to what remains of his family, and his position of great power cannot be understated.THREAT: MODERATE ∙∙∙∙∙SURVEILLANCE: HIGH

ARKHAM STATE HOSPITAL is a lunatic asylum founded in 1724 by the Arkham family. Its original intention was to help those from all walks of life, but gradually began to take accept dangerous patients to the point where it became better known as an asylum for the criminally insane, gaining an infamous reputation that still stands.The facility was designed by Boston architect Nathaniel Kirkbride. It was spread out over rural McKean Island off of Gotham’s northernmost island. Originally it had two main buildings. The largest one contained a number of wings which housed the patients: males on the west side and females on the east. The most extreme patients were housed at the end of each wings. Despite its 500 patient capacity, over 2,000 souls are currently committed. The facility is overcrowded with the attic and basement even being used to accommodate patients.Expansion of the facility included a gymnasium and solarium. These buildings are joined by a network of underground tunnels. A power generating plant is located on the island, meaning this facility can be self-contained. The tunnels radiate in a spoke-like design from an area known as “The Hub.”A laboratory was opened in 1895, which birthed rumors of inhumane experimentation on patients that are still rife to this day. Such urban legends are not at all unfounded, however none within the operation are permitted to disclose this. Treatments such as lobotomies and shock therapy to deal with the growing inpatient population are still in effect. Court member Kathryn Monroe remains the primary financier for Court agent Dr. Hugo Strange and the board at Arkham State Hospital to continue these methods with adequate funding.Notable patients include Edward Nashton as a mean to keep him from being slaughtered in Blackgate Penitentiary, Panya Flerko (anglicized as Penelope “Penny” Fleck) mother of Arthur Wayne — her admissions initially were for numerous drug charges, but following the birth of Arthur Wayne she was committed, given an ice pick lobotomy, and conditioned as per our terms with former Court members Thomas and Martha Wayne.Court members Arthur and Phoenix Wayne are also lifelong patients and success stories, however, should the parliament sentence their readmissions together, husband and wife are to be locked on opposite ends of each ward and will not be permitted to see, hear, or speak to one another until the Court determines otherwise.THREAT: HIGH ∙∙∙∙∙SURVEILLANCE: HIGH

WAYNE MANOR is the former home of the Wayne family that was donated to the Department of Health in 2001 to become Gotham City Orphanage. Full history of its conception and construction remains debatable. Former Court member Joshua Wayne began construction, but abandoned “the house that love built” due to delusions that the mansion was haunted until former Court member Alan Wayne saw the project to completion.The English Tudor/Gothic mansion sits upon 60 acres of land in Kane County, well beyond city limits. It was constructed from concrete and steel on a solid three-foot-thick foundation. Exterior walls are brick and concrete with steel reinforcement. The floors are ten inches of concrete. Many of the materials, including the front door, oak paneling, and oak staircase, came from England. The red brick facing on the outside of the estate was imported from Wales. Three ships were commissioned to transport these building supplies.Woodland grounds and the lakefront can be viewed from Wayne Manor’s summer porch, the sunken garden, the loggia, and private dock and beach. There is a particular image of Court member Arthur Wayne while he was a young child crouched by that lake whose photographer, to most, is unknown. We have the original negatives in our archives. The manor’s exact number of rooms and square footage to this day remains unknown. We have sent countless surveyors as did the Department of Public Works, yet none have been able to draw a conclusion.Rare artwork, hand painted onto glass and surrounded by panes of crystal, are mounted in windows throughout the estate. Created between the 15th and 17th centuries, they were previously owned by a Duke who spent 40 years collecting the shards and panels of lost art. The staircase and the front doors were hand-hewn from 500-year-old ancient English oak and are held together by wood dowels. Sculpted fountains, located in the circular drive and sunken gardens, are the focal points of the Wayne family’s statuary collection, which includes many pieces, including the “Kingsdale Hounds," the only set of these statues in the United States.The suites were luxuriously appointed and elegantly decorated, filled with antiques and historical pieces.Court member Arthur Wayne was born within these walls on November 21, 1983 following a torrid affair between former Court member Thomas Wayne and his young maid, Russian immigrant Panya Flerko (anglicized as Penelope “Penny” Fleck). Following the forgery, he returned for a brief convalescence while his “adoptive” mother was incarcerated at Arkham State Hospital. His bedroom became his younger brother Bruce Wayne’s.Wayne Manor has been partially burned down by one of its former residents, Edward Nashton, and has been left derelict ever since. Neither Wayne heir dares set foot on the property without dire reason to do so. The manor will be allocated to Court member Arthur Wayne when the parliament believes it is time to do so. In the meantime, it is home to Drops addicts and the Wayne family mausoleum.THREAT: LOW ∙∙∙∙∙SURVEILLANCE: LOW